“I’m Addicted to Falling Off” The Story of an EMBARRASSING Amateur and The Sainted Animal Who Tolerates Her. A Memoir By Yours Truly.

Where do I even start???????? After a really great, ribbon filled (and uneventful in a good way) debut weekend in the adult hunters with Mimi, I was very much looking forward to returning the following weekend. I was extra excited because Jimmy and Roger were accompanying me, we were staying at the WEC hotel and […]

Read More “I’m Addicted to Falling Off” The Story of an EMBARRASSING Amateur and The Sainted Animal Who Tolerates Her. A Memoir By Yours Truly.

Mustangs, Manatees and ‘Merica

I am nearly two months late with the week 9/ 10 marathon recap but luckily took detailed notes and was able to recreate the story. Boy this made me miss Ocala!!! On Friday afternoon I headed to the airport with Roger and my massively overweight suitcase. For the first time since high school, I was […]

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When Ya Gotta Go, Ya Gotta Go

The last three weeks of the winter circuit were a whirlwind and between being a full time student, full time employee, part time equestrian and full time drinker, I have not had much time to update the blog. Bear with me as I attempt to report back on the adventures of March beginning with week […]

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